Enjoying this Time...

It is absolutely wonderful to have our family back together. We have been doing lots of things. But most importantly, we have been enjoying this time together.

Eric & the boys chillin out watching a movie. The boys are so happy to have their Daddy home! Eric & Collin spent some quality Daddy/son time together yesterday while I ran errands. We also managed to have a "pretend" birthday dinner for Eric at Kobe. Wasn't he such a good sport!


I am very happy to report that Eric arrived home safe & sound! He is on a 2 week leave, & we are loving every single minute of it. The boys are SO UNBELIEVABLY happy to have Daddy home for a while. I AM SO UNBELIEVABLY HAPPY TO HAVE ERIC HOME!!!

With that being said, we have much more important things to do than blog about it. I will leave that to my very awesome friend, Natalie . I am taking lots of pictures & will get them to her to upload when I return to work!

Too Busy To Blog

Ok, so here are my reasons for not posting more regularly:
  1. Eric has been in Afghanistan since the week after Thanksgiving.
  2. Collin & Cooper keep me very busy at home & I would rather enjoy my time with them then sit down to blog.
  3. I work full time & recently took on a different role at work. And I am much busier!