September 2010
Yes, it is the best time of the YEAR!!!!
I thought today would be a good day to update my blog. Why you may ask? I am not sure, but I guess I got the idea when I was going through some pictures on my phone and saw how much Corbin has changed in the past 2 and 1/2 months. It is just amazing to me the difference!!!
Corbin - One day old

Corbin 2 1/2 months old

Corbin was baptized last weekend and it was a lot of fun. There were many surprised throughout the day, but the best was the fact that he did not cry at all! He was such a good boy and we were so proud!! This little boy is so laid back and just LOVES it when someone talks to him. He starts kicking away and tries so hard to talk back to you.
I have a feeling that Cooper is going to be the child that tests me daily. He does this now, but there are just times when it is hard not to laugh at him. He is so funny and has a wonderful sense of humor! He one of the funniest kids I have met. And when he gets it trouble, he knows how to work those eyes, but of course Eric and I don't fall for it. At least we don't most of the time. Coop is going to be my funny kid.

Oh, what do I say about Collin. Or Bubba as I like to call him. He does not like it and has not really liked it since I started calling him that at 6 months, but he deals with it and ignores me. I found out today that I am not a cool mom. I was dropping him off this morning and he did not want me to take him. He wanted Eric to, but I had more time. Well, when I dropped him off, I told him that I loved him and he just gave me this look that said, "are you kidding me?" So. I said it again. And I got a big eye roll. Last week he got a 10/10 on his spelling test and he was so excited. He also still loves to hold Corbin all the time and he is very protective of both is brothers. He has grown up so quick. I can't believe he will be 7 on the 19th of this month!

I really have to say that I LOVE MY BOYS!!! I would not and could not imagine my life without them! I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!