Yes, I am finally getting up the nerve to post that we are expecting baby number 3!!! It is a great feeling and I am so excited! When we were thinking about it, I asked Collin if he woud like a baby brother or sister and he said that "we have to many kids Mom." I am ready for another baby Short to be here and I am super excited about it! I am due the end of June! Many ask if we will find out what we are having and I don't think we will. Or if we do, we won't tell anyone! Since this is our last one, we HONESTLY don't care if we have a boy or a girl. We have the clothes from the boys and thanks to Allison we have all of Kat's clothes, so we are good for a girl! :) I am just excited and trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy! Feel free to make your guess as to if you think it is a boy or a girl! :)
Happy Friday!