I updated my blog!!!

Yes, as you can tell I finally updated my blog. I am sorry it has taken me so long to do so. Since it has been so long I had to add the posts for each child since it has been months since I have updated. This year so far has been interesting. In Feb, Eric went to Germany with his Guard unit for 3 weeks. During that time, Corbin got sick. We made it through it. This weekend will be the first weekend that we will have together since the end of January. I am not sure what we will be doing yet, but I need the family time. You just don't get enough of family time on a week night! Our weeks are pretty busy anymore with Cub Scouts, and Religious Education, and then other events we have that are unaccounted for that come up. We are a busy family, but the love that I have for my husband and boys are all I need to get me through a day!


Oh how I love how much Collin is growing. He is becoming such a young man. He loves to play and be around his brothers. He is doing well in school and he is really liking his teacher this year.

It is Pinewood Derby Time-------Collin's car won one of the three races. It was fun for all of us to watch. Him and Eric had a good time making his car and you could tell he made it, notice the sticker over the whole car?


So Cooper is definitely hitting that stage of testing his parents! But, the problems is some of the things he does are so stinking funny that it is hard not to laugh at him. For instance, at daycare the other day he has this friend who he always plays with and they get along really well. This friend is not potty trained fully yet. So, Cooper told him that he does not need his pull-ups anymore and threw one of them in the potty. He said that is where he is suppose to potty, not in his pull-up. So, anyone who needs help potty training, Coop is your man!

He LOVES to make funny faces and me so I will take his pic and then I have to show it to him and he thinks it is HILARIOUS!

Coop also loves to do his hair. He says he needs to look nice for school every day. So, he turns on the water and wets his hair with his comb. Keep in mind he only does front part of his hair and he makes a MESS while doing it!


Corbin is growing so fast! On March 17th he will be 9 months old. He is army crawling all over the place and it is hilarious! Collin and Cooper love to help out with Corbin. They are both such good big brothers!

While Eric was in Germany for Guard for 3 weeks Corbin had RSV, an ear infection, and then croup. He is always such a happy baby, and you can tell that by the picture here. This picture was taken by my mom when Corbin was sick with his RSV(Mom is not use to her camera phone, notice the finger in the corner). He was such a good little baby and the doctor even commented when I took him in how good and easy going he is. I said he has to be he is the 3rd boy! :)

As I said, Collin LOVES to help out with Corbin! Here he is feeding him his dinner. Corbin just ADORES his brother Collin!

Collin and Corbin